I write this welcoming message, as President of the National Teachers’ Union (NATU), a proud man. A proud man because I represent the oldest teacher union in South Africa, which has a very impressive track record of excellent leadership and service to members. I welcome you all, individually and severally, to this very important seminar, specifically organised for the school principals of our Union. Throughout the years since its inception in 1918, NATU has distinguished itself as a key vanguard in the fight for the rights and entitlements of workers in the education sector. As a teacher union, we fought for community and political rights at a time when other influential organisations and political parties were banned. Over time, our collective power as a trade union has resulted in great gains in the struggle to improve the working conditions of workers and reclaim their dignity in the workplace.
The Union played an important role during the process of the liberation struggle and, subsequently, in reconstructing the country since 1994. Thus, it is both fulfilling and humbling to see how far NATU has come since its establishment in 1918. The Union was able to navigate and sail stormy waters of different risk intensities, and still carried its members to safety. The Union survived and triumphed over many trials and tribulations throughout missionary and apartheid education, but the challenges have continued even during the post-apartheid era. As we speak, today, the Union continues to stand firm in the defense of quality teaching and learning in all South Africa’s schools.
The Union continues to stand strong to be able to concur the challenges of today and those that lie ahead. The challenges we face today are not less hazardous than those faced by our forebearers; they are just different. So, in pursuance of the theme: ‘Enhancing quality education through strategic resourcing that prioritises adequate staffing, school safety and effective school management’, this seminar must be seen as part of the Union’s continuous process of self-renewal to remain relevant.
So, I invite you all to feel welcome and freely take part in the deliberations of this two-day seminar – the first NATU’s Principals’ Seminar under the Government of National Unity (GNU). Let’s take full advantage of the various experts who will be sharing their knowledge under the various sub-themes of this seminar, so that by the end of tomorrow, we shall have come with very important and far-reaching, actionable recommendation to take our schools forward for the next five years, and beyond.
Promoting Professional Teaching: The Role of the Principal (Ms. Tuzana Sophethe – SACE)
Employment Equity and Bullying in the Workplace (Ms. Zoleka Ntshoza – LES)
The School Safety Framework versus School Safety in SA (Mr. Sifiso Ngobese)
e-Education in South African Schools – Challenges and Opportunities (Prof.Leilani Goosen)
Dispute Resolution Process (Mr. Matlose Moela – ELRC)
Examining Sexual Harassment in Schools: The Role of the School Principals (Dr. Nolusindiso