No conclusion on 2022/23 Salary Adjustment for Public Servants
Pursuant to non-completion of Wage Agreement for 2022/2023 on salary negotiations, NATU is guided by clause 3.3. of PSCBC Resolution 1 of 2021 which states – if no new resolution is concluded by 31 March 2022 on salary adjustment for financial year 2022/2023, the Non-Pensionable Cash Gratuity will remain in force until a new agreement is entered into by parties.
“The cash allowance is payable back dated from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022. If no
agreement on the 2022/2023 salary adjustment is reached by 31 March 2022, then the cash
allowance will continue to be paid until a new agreement is reached.” (PSCBC Media Statement)
Whilst the National Teachers’ Union continues to fight for better salary increases, members will continue enjoying R1000 cash allowance on basis that Employer did not budge on demands tabled by Labour during 2021/2022 round of salary talks.
NATU intends re-tabling same set of demands before employer. This includes CPI+4% on Cost of Living Adjustment, R2500 for Housing Allowance, etc.
Members will be advised on new developments in this regard.
Issued by the Office of the Acting President.
Mr S.V. Malinga